Join the Bright Star Girls’ Academy Foundation as we bring hope to the girls and young women living in the troubled country of South Sudan. Today, young women in South Sudan are more likely to die in childbirth than to have completed a primary education. Only 30% of girls are even able to attend school. Bright Star Girls’ Academy will be a K-12 boarding school in Juba, South Sudan, with a mission of creating educational opportunities for the girls and young women of this region. The graduates of Bright Star Girls' Academy will become role models in their community, taking positions of leadership and showing the way for countless girls to follow. Bright Star Girls’ Academy Foundation, a U.S.-based 501(c)(3) non-profit, has already purchased the land! We are now asking for your support as we continue to raise funds to move into building and operation. One hundred percent of your donation goes directly to support Bright Star Girls’ Academy, enriching and improving individual lives, communities, and, ultimately, a nation.